Centering Image Example

Holmes-VAD: Towards Unbiased and Explainable Video Anomaly Detection via Multi-modal LLM

1Key Laboratory of Image Processing and Intelligent Control,
School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor     3Baidu Inc.
✉Indicates Corresponding Author

Examples of Holmes-VAD


Towards open-ended Video Anomaly Detection (VAD), existing methods often exhibit biased detection when faced with challenging or unseen events and lack interpretability. To address these drawbacks, we propose Holmes-VAD, a novel framework that leverages precise temporal supervision and rich multimodal instructions to enable accurate anomaly localization and comprehensive explanations.


In contrast to prevailing VAD approaches (a) that primarily concentrate on identifying anomalies,
our method (b) facilitates not only unbiased (i.e., less false alarms toward easily cofused or unseen normality) predictions of anomaly scores but also explanation of detected anomalies,
through constructing a large scale VAD dataset with single-frame annotations for untrimmed videos and explanable instruction data for trimmed videos.


We construct the first largescale multimodal VAD instruction-tuning benchmark, i.e., VAD-Instruct50k. This dataset is created using a carefully designed semi-automatic labeling paradigm. Efficient single-frame annotations are applied to the collected untrimmed videos, which are then synthesized into high-quality analyses of both abnormal and normal video clips using a robust off-the-shelf video captioner and a large language model (LLM).


Data engine for the proposed VAD-Instruct50k. We collect numerous abnormal/normal videos from exsiting datasets, following by a series of annotation enhancement including temporal single-frame annotation, event clips generation and event clips captioning. Then we construct the instruction data by prompting the powerful LLM with the enhanced annotation. Throughout the pipeline, manual work and large fundation models coordinated with each other to ensure efficiency and quality in construction.


Building upon the VAD-Instruct50k dataset, we develop a customized solution for interpretable video anomaly detection. We train a lightweight temporal sampler to select frames with high anomaly response and fine-tune a multimodal large language model (LLM) to generate explanatory content.


Holmes-VAD takes untrimmed video and user prompt as inputs, and takes the anomaly scores and explanation for detected anomalies outputs. The Temporal Sampler takes class tokens of frames as input and estimates the anomaly scores, and the dense visual tokens are resampled accroding to their anomaly scores before entering the projector.


In this section, we conduct extensive experiments to thoroughly demonstrate the capabilities of our proposed model, i.e., Holmes-VAD.


        title={Holmes-VAD: Towards Unbiased and Explainable Video Anomaly Detection via Multi-modal LLM},
        author={Zhang, Huaxin and Xu, Xiaohao and Wang, Xiang and Zuo, Jialong and Han, Chuchu and Huang, Xiaonan and Gao, Changxin and Wang, Yuehuan and Sang, Nong},
        journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.12235},